Sunday, April 26, 2009

Micro teaching


  1. Wonderful Desiree! the use of the anticipation guide to activate students' background knowledge on tourism products is highly commendable. My only concern is that you should have explained to students what the anticipation guide was and why they were using it, as well as why it was important for them to complete it. Timing them was good, but i realise that you always gave them more time than you previously indicated. Another very good activity has to do with the opportunity you gave students to compare their work with that of a partner before they shared as a whole class. I am sure that students would be able to go back to their anticipation guide after reading the information in the text. They can use this to self evaluate.

    In what other way did you find this activity useful?

  2. I thought that it was necessary to have had us go through the entire anticipation guide activity. We completed the first part of it, but we didnt get to complete the other part, which would have allowed us to clear up misconceptions.

    I guess with more time it would have been done better. I like the anticipation guide activity. It is one thing reading about how to do it, but actually seeing it in action really is an eye opener
